
आदर्श पदवी महाविद्यालय

Model Degree College


Manufacturing Execution System (MES) Center

This center is a specialized center which enable students to develop skills in Manufacturing Execution System. The automotive industry is a discrete manufacturing industry that has many characteristics in common with process manufacturing. These include high levels of automation (Robotics, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), vision systems and automated assembly lines). The focus of an automotive assembly MES — and of the entire operation — is keeping the assembly line moving. The MES focus is on tools to help production management identify, diagnose, predictand solveanyissues thatcouldcause disruption. Manufacturing Execution center consist of high-end industrial workstations, Conveyor with PLC tools like MS Software. This will give competitive edge in placement drives and will have better employability for students in the job roles available in the market viz, Quality Engineer, Production Engineer,Process Validation Engineer.


Key Enablers :

  • High End Industrial Workstations
  • Conveyor with PLC
  • Pick to Light Sensor Integration
  • Tata Technologies MES Technology Tool
  • Assembly Line & Industrial Best Practices
  • Job Roles:

    • MES Engineer, MES Developer, MES Specialist, MES Technician

    Career Opportunities :

  • Automotive Industries
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Locomotive
  • Consumer Goods
  • Manufacturing, Industries
  • Electricals and Electronics etc.